Safety is our PRIORITY.

+ Dress Code & Property

HARRIS. Art Academy, is not responsible for any clothing or property that could get lost, stolen or damaged. Please do not wear any clothing that you believe is expensive, could get ruined or that you don’t want to keep. It is impossible to control what will or will not get on anyone’s clothing, including shoes and jewelry. If you have long hair we suggest tying it back.
We are not responsible for any artwork that has been completed. All art work should leave HARRIS. Art Academy when “student” has finished that project. Any artwork that will be hung during an exhibit will be bought back to our premises for the exhibition where we will then have insurance should any artwork be damaged.

+ Damages & Bodily Injury

HARRIS. Art Academy, will not be held responsible for any bodily injury or medical claims that can arise from participation in any of our classes. We reserve the right to dismiss a student from a class at anytime for any inappropriate verbal, physical or threatening behavior.